Page 18 - Demo
P. 18

18|November 2019
Slippery rock Gazette
    Save on Labor & Money
- - a portable CNC for sink cutouts - -
Cut your sinks for
/ week
less than $400 per month (60 payments)
    Powerful & Fast
3x the speed cutting over 100" per min
Easy programming and incremental bits will profile a radius top edge, cut the hole to size, reduce your labor with no templates, no blowouts, and no tool changes
Variable speed spindle, center waterfeed and 1/2G for finer grit CNC brazed bits
Use the control-work station to lift and carry the SinkBot CNC to your polishing benches and reduce handling of L -shaped and oversized tops
SinkBot includes router, control cart, computer & touchscreen monitor, CAD/CAM
Call for details 612-741-6510
        Recycle, Reuse
Continued from page 8
Do you feel like you are throw- ing away money or wasting valu- able resources when you walk past the scrap bin? Julie Rizzo com- pared throwing away or burying granite to throwing away every piece of a cow. “We should be using every piece of stone because it has a use, and it’s a financial gain if we know what to do with it.”
Just like recycling aluminum or scrap metal, there are rewards to this type of thinking, whether those benefits are for extra profit or to help the environment. The mindset of giving scrap granite to a landfill is on the outs. And it is up to us to start and maintain the trend of recycling.
For more information on the Tomahawk Stone Splitter visit our archives for a product review: file/archive/.
See also Recycled Granite’s website for many reviews and vid- eos profiling their work on HGTV, .
Blick Industries Upgrades 40 x 300 mm Supports
  Mixed granite and marble scraps in irregular shapes and sizes give this colorful patio floor a fieldstone look. Re- cycling and repurposing can save millions of tons of good stone from being dumped in waste piles and landfills.
cup tops with replaceable seals. Soft rubber seals, that are easily swapped out when damaged, have replaced the one-piece hard rubber pad from the previous ver- sions. The new design provides
a secure seal for vacuum holding when handling stone, glass, and solid surfaces. They are available with 150 x 300 mm or 100 x 300 mm vacuum bases.
For more information, visit 40x150x300mm-cup/ .
 lick’s popular 40 x 300 mm Supports have been
upgraded to have suction
   40 x 150 x 300 Blick Support

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