Page 16 - Demo
P. 16

  16|September 2019
Do Engineered Countertops Stain?
Slippery rock Gazette
The Bar Keeper’s Friend website of- fers advice for using their product with engineered quartz: “The key is to min- imize contact time and not over-con- centrate the product in a small area.” The website also suggests using Bar Keeper’s Friend for stain removal, rather than general purpose cleaning. That recommendation is supported by the results I found, as it appears that Bar Keeper’s Friend is likely to damage quartz surfaces.
Similarly, the Caesarstone website cautions homeowners against vigorous scrubbing with Bar Keeper’s Friend, advising use of only a small amount, with light pressure, and to not use a scouring pad. Again, that appears to be sound advice. However, the light touch needed to prevent damage may not be sufficient to remove a stubborn stain.
A nylon scouring pad and Soft Scrub damaged four out of five samples tested. I used a Natural Value brand heavy- duty scouring pad and Soft Scrub with Oxi cleaner. This pad uses recycled nylon fibers as an abrasive and is much softer than the Scotch-Brite hand pad. Nonetheless, the Natural Value pad and Soft Scrub still damaged most of the samples I tested.
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Furthermore, the manufacturer’s detailed cleaning recommenda- tions may be too limited to get the job done if a surface gets stained.
Nonetheless, I did not treat the samples in an unreasonable or abusive way. I just imagined that my mother-in-law was on her way over, and I scrubbed intently.
I used the following methods, arranged from most abrasive to least:
• Scotch-Brite hand pad (con- taining silicon carbide) + Soft Scrub
• Scrubby side of Scotch-Brite kitchen sponge + Bar Keeper’s Friend
• Scouring pad + Soft Scrub
• Scrubby side of Scotch-Brite kitchen sponge + Soft Scrub
(See Scrubbing Results Chart)
The Scotch-Brite “Ultra Fine Hand Pad” damaged the finish of every brand and every sample. After scrubbing with this heavy- duty scouring pad, an obvious hazy area was evident on every sample, regardless of whether
the sample was scrubbed for 30 or 60 seconds. This scouring pad contains silicon carbide, which has a Mohs hardness of 9. This type of abrasive pad should not be used on any synthetic quartz—nor any countertop surface, for that matter.
A kitchen sponge and Bar Keeper’s Friend impacted most brands and colors, but not all. Bar Keeper’s Friend is both abra- sive and acidic. The abrasive action comes from powdered feldspar, which has a Mohs hard- ness of 6. This is softer than the mineral quartz, but harder than the resin that binds the quartz par- ticles together.
Five of the six samples scrubbed with Bar Friend showed some hazing or dulling of the polished surface. The worst effects were on Cambria Templeton, which became distinctly dulled where it was scrubbed. Four other samples showed minor amounts of dulling, and Caesarstone Espresso showed no visible damage.
Results and Diagram by Karin Kirk for the Natural Stone Institute
Note that individual slabs may vary. These results are an approximate guideline only. Always evaluate and test the specific materials you are considering.
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