Barbagallo Starts as Training Coordinator for Laticrete

Laticrete, a global leader in the manufacturing of innovative systems for the installation of tile and stone, has continued to strengthen its technical services division at world headquarters in Bethany with the announcement that Dave Barbagallo has joined the team as Training Coordinator/Technical Services Rep.

Laticrete runs continuous training sessions and demonstrations throughout the year, and in his new role Barbagallo will primarily be in charge of planning and executing these programs. He will also work closely with the rest of the technical services team in recommending certain materials and methods for specific applications of tile and stone, as well as assisting with troubleshooting projects in the field.

Barbagallo joins Laticrete after nearly 20 years working directly in the flooring business. Positions in customer service, retails sales, and as the owner of a tile and stone installation business for the last 13 years, has provided him with a broad range of experiences in the industry. At Laticrete, Barbagallo will get to pass this knowledge along to tile and stone contractors, architects, designers and other specification professionals from around the world, largely through his main responsibility in coordinating the Laticrete "Profit through Knowledge" training program. Utilizing classroom instruction and hands-on demonstrations, the intensive, two-day seminar covers a broad range of topics from product performance requirements to industry standards, while providing a complete overview of Laticrete materials and methods for the permanent, problem-free installation of tile and stone.

"What I've noticed is that Laticrete doesn't just try and sell products, they sell the entire package," Barbagallos said. "They do tons of consulting and try to educate people. I think the customers like that. They don't get right in someones face and try and sell, sell. The customers think, `whoa, this company really cares about us.'"

For more information, call 1-800-243-4788; outside the USA, call +1-203-393-0010, or visit

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