Doing the Right Thing

Someone mailed an envelope filled with money to a western Pennsylvania bank that had been robbed earlier that month, and the FBI suspects it was either the repentant robber or an acquaintance with a conscience.

Special Agent Jeff Killeen says the returned money doesn't cancel out the crime that was committed Dec. 9 at the PNC Bank in West Newton, a tiny borough about 20 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.

The FBI won't say how much the robber took, but say the money in the envelope was about 80 percent of the amount stolen. It was separated into stacks of $5s, $10s, $20s and $100s.

The FBI announced the mailing and says it is checking the package for fingerprints and other clues. They believe the robber may be local because he was wearing a yellow Pittsburgh Steelers T-shirt commonly worn by Steeler fans in the area.

Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review,

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