Mca Systems AND Several Texas Stone Companies Help Marble
Institute and Stone World Kick Off 2010 Seminar Series

The Marble Institute of America (MIA) and Stone World Magazine kicked off the 2010 regional seminar series on March 11th in Houston, Tx. Houston-based MCA Systems and several Texas stone companies helped the MIA and Stone World deliver a dynamic success story.

Over 70 stone professionals were joined by approximately 30 interior designers to make the first seminar of the 2010 regional seminar season a resounding success.

"You had to be there to experience the excitement in the room. It was the first time in two years that I've seen that much optimism in one room discussing the stone industry," stated GK Naquin, who was the featured instructor for the seminar. Mr. Naquin was joined by industry veterans Rodney Harvey, Curtain Wall Design; Todd Robertson, Vermont Quarries; and John Cogswell, CogswellStone who each led breakout sessions throughout the day. MCA System's showroom provided the perfect setting for this industry seminar.

Several stone companies served on the Houston Host Committee: MCA Systems (event host); Architectural Tile & Stone; Arizona Tile Supply; Cangelosi Company; Delta Granite & Marble, Inc.; Designer Stone Center; International Stoneworks, Inc.; Schlitzberger Stone Designs, Inc.; Stone Store, Ltd.; and, Texas Tile Services. These companies were instrumental in assisting the MIA/SW in planning the event. Additionally, Walker Zanger's Houston operation also sponsored the event.

"The introduction of a 'host committee' consisting of 8-12 local companies is new to the 2010 regional seminar program," stated, MIA Vice President, Jim Hieb. He added, "we recognized that our members in the local market could add considerable intelligence to our planning efforts and the success of the Houston seminar was the result of several suggestion made by the committee." All 2010 MIA/SW events will utilize a local host committee.

Another key ingredient to the Houston seminar included two bonus CEU (continuing education units) sessions for members of the local chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers. These programs provided opportunities for stone professionals and interior designers to connect, network, and learn together. Several 2010 seminars will include this type of programming.

Stone World's Alex Bachrach added, "The 2010 regional seminar series would not be possible without the tremendous support of several national sponsors of this program." The current list of sponsors includes: Braxton-Bragg (Knoxville, TN), GranQuartz (Tucker, GA), Laser Products (Romeoville, IL), MN), Northwood Machine (Louisville, KY), Park Industries (St. Cloud, Schechner Lifson Corporation (Summit, NJ), and VIC International (Knoxville, TN).

Programs remaining on the 2010 schedule include: -Business Success for Fabricators: April 15 Chicago, IL; June 9 Ft. Lauderdale, FL; June 30 St. Louis, MO; July 20 Calgary, AB; July 22 Denver, CO; September 15 San Francisco, CA; September 22 Minneapolis, MN; and November 10 Edison, NJ. -Vermont Quarry Tours October 5 & 6 -Using Natural Stone in Commercial Projects: (Date Pending) Washington, DC

For more information about upcoming events, go online to or

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