The World's Largest Bony Fish
AP Photo/House of the Sea Aquarium,
Roger Jansson

A maritime expert says a 12-Foot (3.65-meters) Giant Oarfish - the world's largest bony fish-was found in swedish waters for the first time in 130 years.

Also known as the "King of Herrings," the dead fish was picked up by a west coast resident who found it floating near the shore one weekend.

It was handed over to The House of the Sea aquarium in the town of Lysekil, where expert Roger Jansson says it's being kept pending a decision on what to do with it.

Giant Oarfish commonly grow up to 36 feet (11 meters), and are believed to live in deep water; the last recorded discovery in Sweden was in 1879. Though very rare, they are not considered endangered.

The dead fish had a deep cut through its body and was missing its typical long, red dorsal fin. The fish might be added to an exhibit on "sea monsters" planned this year.

In this photo released by the House of the Sea Aquarium, located in the city of Lysekila, Sweden, a 12-foot (3.65-meter) Giant Oarfish found off Sweden's west coast is displayed.

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