Pucker Up, Sugar
Carmen Ghia
Resident Legal Aid Activist

A man went to the police after getting robbed by a woman he intended to pay for sex, but refused when she flashed a smile full of bad teeth.

The man told investigators he and a 25-yearold woman were negotiating a price until he noticed her dental problems. He told police that after he balked, she snatched a checkbook containing $78 from his shirt pocket and fled.

The man told authorities the woman did not realize that he had already tucked a wad of cash into her bra, and that he thought she got scared and ran away.

The woman was arrested a short time later on a robbery charge.

Gainesville police said it was unlikely the man would face misdemeanor charges for solicitation, because he was the victim of a felony-on the books as a crime with greater penalties.

Source: The Gainesville Sun, http:// www.gainesvillesun.com

Now, really guys: Is it fair and just to let this guy go scott-free? He admitted he was soliciting, stuffed money into her bra (how could she not notice that?) and if the gal was caught a short time later, surely his 78 bucks would have been returned to him. Seems like the Gainesville justice system is guilty a bit of a double standard, here. However, from other news I have read coming from central Florida, the police are not what I would call especially fair and impartial toward women. I refer to the recent case where a young hispanic-looking mother was arrested, handcuffed and jailed because her top was wet and "transparent" from an accidental water park splashing. She was leaving the park, covered with a towel, to get a bathing suit as directed by a city employee, when a cop accosted her in the parking lot, and subsequently arrested her on spurious lack-of-ID charges-and possibly suspicion of being an illegal alien. To make a long story short, the cop and the city lost the resulting civil-rights violation lawsuit. Any of our readers from the central Florida area care to comment?

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