Page 3 - Demo
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Slippery rOck Gazette
Sarto Countertops
 Continued from page 2
If EasedEdge is used prop- erly, the goal of it is that everyone has access to the infor- mation that they need, and only the information they need to do their job, and nothing more. So you’re accomplishing all of your company’s functions on one digital platform. Whether it’s text, drawings to generate a quote or photo images, the process begins by tracking sales leads and what needs to be done with those leads, including what information has been passed on to the company.
“From there, it’s moved to the scheduling side. You’ve then got your calendar, your estimating, your invoicing and your payments all in one place, minimizing con- fusion and the payroll nightmare of double entries. Every ac- tion is recorded, and things like
EasedEdge offers absolute clarity on what days and times are open in coming weeks for an installation, no matter how many install teams a company has. You have the option of sending a confirma- tion email directly from the software to the customer. EasedEdge also notifies the person scheduling, so he or she can place the installation, big or small, with the correct installation team.
  how many square feet used per week with dollar amounts, who is doing the most sales, or what jobs are having the most issues are all clearly visible. There’s also a place for digital templates that were uploaded from the cus- tomer’s house, and downloaded into the customer’s file. It’s at this point that programmers can have access to it, even before the template maker leaves the jobsite, and because EasedEdge is totally mobile-friendly and everyone is using the same plat- form, your fabricators now know what to cut next and what slabs
to use. Once fabrication is com- plete, the installers then get the heads-up when the job is sched- uled for installation. All the tasks for everyone in the company are broken out and at their fingertips, and when one job task is finished, EasedEdge creates the next task with the work flow totally visible to that job’s account manager. As a plus, during these processes, auto-emails are simultaneously
 telling your customers that their material is in, their job is being fabricated, it is ready for instal- lation, or better yet, it’s installed.
“So to sum it up, everything the company does from start to finish is stored, and all the functions you want to create specific for your company’s needs are all doable.”
users, unlimited file storage, un- limited updates, and unlimited consultations sounds good to you, visit to schedule a demo or to talk to a representative.
For examples of the quality fab- rication Sarto Countertops is pro- ducing, visit www.sartocounter
   In closing, if unlimited mobile
OctOber 2020|3

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