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Submit your print edition classified ads online

Download Slippery Rock Gazette 2022 Rates for Classified and Marketplace 4-color Print ads (PDF, 1.1 MB filesize). 
This document includes complete specifications, and rates.

Rates for Classified and Marketplace 4-color Print ads

Ad Size, Cost Each Placement 1-6 Placements   7-12 Placements
Classified Display Ads, Column = 1.85 inches wide       
 1 column wide x 1.25 inches high  $50   $35
 2 columns wide x 1.25 inches high  $90   $70
 2 columns wide x 2.5 inches high  $180   $150
Marketplace Company Listing: $100   $1,200
Web Gold Sponsor Online Ad 400 x 400: $1,000   $800

Download the Classified Credit Card Authorization form (PDF, 100k)

2023 Slippery Rock Gazette Classified and Marketplace ad guidelines

Marketplace listing for your company or product:

Classified 4-c Ads:

3.25˝ x 1-3/8˝.

One Column: 1.85˝ wide

Reach the market for only $100 per month, available in a prepaid 6 or 12 months insertion contract.

Two Columns: 3.875˝ wide

SRG Home Page, eBlast and Print Ad packages now available.

Compare and save with our competitive prices for a color display ad on our Classified page.

submit a print Classified, Marketplace, or B to B text ad

Print ads not meeting the following guidelines will not be published:

  • Ads may be submitted using the online form. Same ads can be listed online and print.
  • Maximum of 70 words or less per ad.
  • Please review all your ad info before submitting– NO refunds will be given for ads that are submitted with the wrong contact info or content and then published.
  • Payment must be made at the time ad is submitted. Credit or Debit Card only. A PDF Credit Authorization Form is available by fax, or download a PDF.
  • Ads may be renewed for additional issues by contacting the Slippery Rock Gazette prior to Classifieds deadline.

We respect your privacy and will not sell or distribute your contact information. Please review our Privacy Policy.

Listings will display for 30 days after last update.
You will receive an email 7 days prior to expiration of this listing. Please use capital and lowercase texts.

Add/Modify Listing

* indicates required field

NOTE: Address information will not display with your ad

Select a listing category below:

For Sale Training Business Opportunities Help Wanted Positions Wanted Services Wanted (other)


NOTE: Your listing will not display until approved by Slippery Rock Gazette personnel.