Are Trade Barriers Affecting Exports to the European Union?
The United States International Trade Commission has invited ISFA and its members to participate in a study to catalogue issues and experiences that small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) are having in exporting to the European Union (EU).
Of particular interest are any non-tariff measures that disproportionately affect the ability of SMEs to export.
The Commission will conduct an investigation and prepare a report that catalogues trade-related barriers that U.S. small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) perceive as disproportionately affecting their exports to the EU, compared to those of larger U.S. exporters to the EU. The Commission’s report will cover barriers faced by U.S. SMEs exporting both goods and services, and will focus primarily on barriers identified by U.S. SMEs that have experience in exporting to the EU. Also as requested, the report, to the degree practicable, will identify barriers by economic sector or by special issue and will focus on sectors with high concentrations of SMEs.
Anyone interested in participating or contributing to the study is encouraged to contact Chuck Sawyer at ISFA to learn more details about the process.
Write, call or email:
International Surface Fabricators Association
Chuck Sawyer
Executive Director
2400 Wildwood Road
Gibsonia, PA 15044